“Onward, Oil Producers”

Given the support for the Iraq war among many Christians and following a suggestion by Kevin Phillips in his book, American Theocracy, I have written the following satire. It is sung, hummed or read to the tune of Onward Christian Soldiers with all due apologies to the composer of the original hymn.

Onward, Oil Producers, marching as to war,
with the cross of Exxon going on before.
Royal Blackwat’r leads against the foe;
forward into battle see Dyncorp banners go!
Onward, Oil Producers, marching as to war,
with the cross of Exxon going on before. Continue reading

Moral Responsibility

As Christians, we bear a moral responsibility for what goes on in our country in our names. Pope John XXIII reminded us that we must work for peace and justice with everything at our disposal. This has never been truer that it is today.
In an age of terrorism, real and manufactured fear keeps us cowering while our elected and military leaders move full speed ahead to win the so-called war on terrorism. Terrorism is a threat; however, it is a threat which will never be resolved at the tip of the sword. Until we come to our senses and deal with the root causes of terrorism (poverty, exploitation, wealth amassed by the few, the arms race and arms trade, and Pax Americana), we will not deal effectively with terrorism. Continue reading

Dream dreams

When the two blind men approached Jesus, the nonviolent Jesus, who shows us the face of the god of Peace, asked, “Do you believe that I can do this?”
Do we believe that Jesus can do this? Do we believe that the nonviolent Jesus can come through on his promise of peace and justice? Do we believe that he will make all things new? Do we believe that he will wipe away every tear? Continue reading

A Time for Hope

Advent presents us with an opportunity to stand aside and see things anew. Like Isaiah and the other prophets, we can dream. We can envision a better world. We can hope for things to come. It is a time of prophecy, a time of hope, a time for dreaming wonderful possibilities. It is a time to look beyond what is and to hope for the God of Peace to make all things new. In the end, God will wipe away every tear. Continue reading

Let Us Give Thanks

The readings for Thanksgiving (Dt. 8:7-18, Col. 3:12-17, and Mk. 5:18-20) are about gratitude and Thanksgiving. Paul makes it clear that, when we are grateful to God, we live accordingly.
I often struggle with biblical concepts related to land, acquisition of the land and prosperity bestowed by God. I struggle especially when politicians remind us that we have been blessed and that we Americans are God’s chosen people. Somehow God’s bounty to us gets twisted into a divine mission to “save” the rest of the world from itself. It is wrapped up in the prosperity Gospel. Go to church, say your prayers and God will shower you with blessings. Of course, those of us who have been privileged will reap more of the divine rewards. We may even have to oppress others to get what we “rightfully deserve.” Continue reading