Cite Soliel-Haiti
[Pictures–Icon from Palestine-Mary holds Jesus and a pomegranate–bittersweet. Cite Soleil-
Haiti slum.]
There are so many things we can say about this day. Jesus, the nonviolent one, suffered at the hands of the priestly caste and the empire. Anselm’s atonement theory, which has been carried too far, would have us believe that Jesus suffered and died to forgive our sins in order to appease an angry “Father” God. When we just think about it logically, what God would have his son die in order to take away the wrath incurred by our sins? We should have abandoned that theory when God told Abraham not to sacrifice Isaac.
Who then is God and what is Good Friday all about? First of all, God had repeatedly told us that God does not want sacrifice. He wants mercy and justice and compassion. Jesus came to live and die so he could show us the face of a merciful, compassionate Abba God. This is a God who loves us in spite of our sins and failures. Second, Jesus has told us that God always welcomes back the prodigal with open arms. God has repeatedly told us that, while loving all people, God has a special preference for the poor and oppressed. Third, God always valued the widows, orphans, and immigrants throughout the Old Testament. Continue reading →