The community of believers was of one heart and mind, and no one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they had everything in common. With great power the Apostles bore witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus,
and great favor was accorded them all. There was no needy person among them. . .(Acts 4:32-33) Here we see the early Jesus movement living according to Gospel values. This is not socialism. This is living the Gospel. Continue reading
Wednesday after Easter
Yesterday at this time the sky was dark and severe storms were wending their way toward us. The weather people on TV worked furiously to chart the court of the storm cells. It will be in Christmas, Florida (Yes there is a town near Titusville known as Christmas.) at 9:24, etc. . . . They issued frantic warnings about severe thunderstorms and tornado warnings. The stormy day ended with a brilliant sunset that turned a nearby pond red.
Today the sky is chamber of commerce blue tinted with a few fleecy white clouds. The winds are calm and a nice day is forecast. Continue reading
Tuesday after Easter
The Easter mystery seems to be becoming more complex. Some scripture scholars debate the fact of a corporeal resuscitation of Jesus body. Others staunchly defend the bodily resurrection of Jesus. Endless discussion about endless possibilities only clouds my thinking.
What I do know is that something wonderful happened that first Easter and Jesus’ followers and the world have never been the same. Merton says that we end up confusing ourselves when we get tied up in theological debates. We acknowledge the Trinity-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Do I need to be able to explain the intricacies of the mystery of the Trinity? Mystery defies definition. Continue reading
He Is Risen!
Paul’s account of the resurrection (Col 3:1-4) is the earliest written account. “Brothers and sisters:
If then you were raised with Christ, seek what is above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.”
Today, we encounter mystery beyond mystery. We encounter the corner stone of our faith. We believe that Jesus, beaten, scourged, and crucified, overcame the powers and the principalities. He overcame the power of death. New Testament writers have used story and symbol to try and give us some idea of what the resurrection of Jesus means. Paul tells us simply that Jesus is at the right hand of God. Continue reading
Holy Saturday
It is a dreary Saturday morning-
The Sabbath.
All is quiet in Jerusalem now.
The furor of the last few days has subsided.
Life’s become a fog. Continue reading
Saturday 5th Week
Jesus’ Hiding Place
Ezekiel (37:21-28) preached in the 6th century in Babylon where the Israelites were in captivity. They believed that they were in dire straits because they had abandoned God’s ways and God was punishing them. If we accept the fact that humankind cannot name or describe God, then we must admit this kind of thinking represents an early stage in the development of our concept of God. Continue reading
Friday 5th Week
Jeremiah (20:10-13) has become very unpopular because of his prophecy. The people throw him into a pit at one point. As Christians, looked at the life of Jesus and his impending persecution before the Jewish leaders and the Roman authorities, they saw parallels in Jeremiah. Undaunted, Jeremiah knew that God was with him. He continued to speak truth to power. God will be his mighty champion. As the Psalmist says, “in my distress, I called upon God and God heard my voice.” Continue reading
Sunday 5th Week
Jeremiah (31:31-34), knows that the relationship to God has been ruptured. The people are not living in harmony with God. The ever-faithful God promises a new covenant. The new covenant will not be written on stone. It will be written on the fleshy hearts of people. They will know God and God’s ways. They will live in union with and in harmony with the Creator. Continue reading
Friday 4th Week
The Israelites’ original concept of the messiah was one who would restore the glory days of the Davidic dynasty. By Jesus’ day, many expected a mighty warrior king, like David, who would deliver them from Roman oppression. Jesus eschewed military overthrow of the Romans by his life style. His injunction to peter, “Put away your sword,” is a clear indication that Jesus was rejecting violence. Continue reading
This text from Isaiah has been a source of controversy among the Christian churches. It all hinges on the original word which meant young woman. It came to be translated virgin. Originally, Isaiah 7 (10-14; 8-10) was not a prediction of the future. It was a statement that a young woman (almah) would bring forth a son who would be “God with us.” This was to happen within the Davidic dynasty. Continue reading