Endeavor Launch

Endeavor Liftoff NASA Photo
[Click here. Look for the moon upper right]

Darkness dropped like a gentle blanket
Over Cape Canaveral.
Slowly the gantry lights shone through–
Pinpoints of light in the darkness.
From the east horizon
Emerged an orange orb
Peeking over the Cape.
A huge harvest full moon
Rose higher and higher in the sky
Becoming bright yellow
Striated by wispy clouds.
The Creator had burst forth
Overshadowing the anticipated launch.

Followed by a gasping crowd.
A new fireball was rising up
Endeavor was lifting from the pad.
It hurtled heavenward
Crossing right in front of the moon—
The watchers cheered in awe
As the fireballs merged for an instant,
As nature and technology dazzled.
The bright orange teardrop tail
Became but a small light
Receding high on the horizon.
The Creator and the created—
A spectacle to behold!

Little Blessings

The world around us seems like it is in a disastrous decent into something not good. The long election campaign and all the attack ads are history but life goes on. We find God in the present moment–a beautiful sunrise, a full moon, and encounter with one of the Creator’s creatures. The Creator gave me two gifts already this week. Look at the turtle who had dug holes and was burying her eggs on the nature trail near our pad. Then look at the beautiful Red Shouldered Hawk who has been hanging around our pad (He/she probably thinks our Miniature Pincher is a potential meal!) Another treat is in store for us–a night launch of the Space Shuttle [I must admit I have mixed feelings about this technological marvel. The good news is that we are cooperating with other nations in space. The bad news is that it holds the potential for the militarization of space.]
Enjoy and be blessed!

The “Myth” of Racism

“One promise of his victory is that perhaps we can put to rest the myth of racism as a barrier to achievement in this splendid country.”
This statement is from an editorial in the Wall Street Journal on November 5, 2008. It concerns me greatly because racism in our society is not a myth. Miriam-Websters Online Dictionary defines myth, “a person or thing having only an imaginary or unverifiable existence.” Continue reading

After the Election

Something reached out and struck me regarding the reading from the book of Revelation on All Saints. It has something to do with the Lamb. The Lamb has been a central figure in my understanding of Jesus ever since I visited Knock. Mary did not speak. She instead directed our attention to the Lamb on the altar. The one who like the Suffering Servant was led to slaughter. The Lamb won salvation for us not by appeasing an angry father god but rather by his nonviolent response to grave injustice. What got my attention was the 144,000 standing white-robed around the throne of the Creator and the Lamb. They had survived the persecution of the Romans and were now singing “heavenly” hymns and praising the Creator and the Lamb. Glory and honor and power! The Creator promises eternal salvation to those who are faithful to the Lamb. Continue reading

Build Bridges Not Silos

A recent editorial in the Wall Street Journal bemoaned the fact that the economic crisis might cause America to lose it position of geostrategic dominance in the world. I wrote a response to the editorial on their blog. I think that the rest of the world may be breathing a sigh of relief as they look forward to emancipation from American domination.
We have lived by Manifest Destiny. Somehow or other we concluded that we, out of all the people on earth, have been singled out by the Creator to dominate the world and its resources. Theologically, I cannot conceive of a Creator who would single out one people, one nation at the expense of all others. Christianity and in fact Judaism have always had an inclusive dimension to them. All too often we characterized Christianity as inclusive and Judaism as exclusive. Not so. The Old Testament has some beautiful images about all peoples coming to the holy mountain, to the heavenly banquet. Continue reading

My God Can Beat up Your God

The Iowa Independent reports that a minister who spoke at John McCain’s rally in Davenport, IA today injected a divisive statement into his invocation. Here’s what Pastor Arnold Conrad said:
I would also pray, Lord, that your reputation is involved in all that happens between now and November, because there are millions of people around this world praying to their god — whether it’s Hindu, Buddha, Allah — that his opponent wins, for a variety of reasons. And Lord, I pray that you will guard your own reputation, because they’re going to think that their god is bigger than you, if that happens. So I pray that you will step forward and honor your own name with all that happens between now and election day. Continue reading

Left by the Roadside

Today, I read the parable of the Good Samaritan. The thought that immediately came to mind was that there are many wounded people lying by the side of the road in our time and in our economy. We can look as far or as near as we want. We can see the thousands of Mexican farmers lying by the roadside as the result of free trade agreements run amok. We can see the new homeless lying on the side of the roads in Massachusetts. Continue reading

Jesus’ Mission

“As for you, Capernaum, will you exalt yourselves to the skies? No, you will be hurled down to Hades. Anyone who listens to you, listens to me. Anyone who rejects you, rejects me; and those who reject me, reject the One who sent me.: (Lk 10:15-6) Jesus is angry and frustrated. He has just spoken “woes” over Chorazin and Bethsaida because they have not listened and have not repented. Continue reading

Obama and the End Times

I read an editorial in the New York Times today that astounded me. I guess I am a bit naïve when it comes to politics and some fundamentalist traditions. To read the entire provocative editorial please go to http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/21/opinion/21kristof.html?ref=opinion.
I believe that some people are convinced, without any evidence, that Obama is a Muslim because he had a Muslim father who later became an atheist and left the family. My persons on the street when it comes to politics are some of the people I golf with. I have heard people say, “Obama is a Muslim.” When I tried to tell them that he was a very committed Christian, they dissed me, “Where did you find out that he was a Christian? On the internet?” Continue reading

Greed and the Economic Crisis

And he said, “It is what comes out of a person that defiles. For it is from within, from the human heart, that evil intentions come: fornication, theft, murder, adultery, avarice, wickedness, deceit, licentiousness, envy, slander, pride, folly. All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person.” (Mark 7:20-23)
While he was speaking, a Pharisee invited him to dine with him; so he went in and took his place at the table. The Pharisee was amazed to see that he did not first wash before dinner. Then the Lord said to him, “Now you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and of the dish, but inside you are full of greed and wickedness. You fools! Did not the one who made the outside make the inside also? So give for alms those things that are within; and see, everything will be clean for you. (Luke 11: 37-41)
And he said to them, “Take care! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of possessions.” (Luke 12:15)
We have had a roller coaster ride on Wall Street and K Street this week. As I listened to the reports, I kept thinking “Greed.” Then, I read a blog by Jim Wallis. He talked about greed being at the root of this problem. Continue reading