The election for President monopolizes the news. Before you can pass go and collect $200, you must hear about one more campaign tidbit from yet another expert. Today’s scripture reading from Mark 12:28-34 brings a Christian perspective to bear on election politics. Continue reading
Cosmic Consciousness and Justice
I had the opportunity to attend this year’s Pax Christi Florida retreat directed by John and Martina Linnehan. The beginning activity was the cosmic walk. Various versions are available at ( The activity made me intensely aware that the universe flared forth from the Infinite Mystery some 15 billion years ago. Details of the emergence of the universe, such as the fact that oxygen initially caused a mass extinction, cause me to marvel at the Creator behind an intelligent, self-evolving universe. Everything that exists gives praise and glory and honor to the Creator from which it flared forth. Continue reading
Love Flashes Forth
Great Mystery
Flashing forth the universe
Fifteen billion years ago—
Flashing, flaming,
Spewing forth from nothingness.
Slowly evolving amid extinctions,
Growing, expanding, bursting forth.
Much later, much much later,
Earth cools, gels and solidifies.
Life forms emerging.
At first oxygen destroys
And then it gives life.
Late in the eleventh hour,
Man stands upright and walks forth
Capable of reflecting the Great Mystery
While reflecting on the Great Mystery.
Eden like oneness with the universe
Grounded in stardust.
The fullness of time arises—
The Only Begotten flashes forth
In a humble stable cave.
The face of the Great Mystery–
Peace, justice, compassion,
Nonviolent response to violence
At first violence destroyed
But then New Life emerged—
Peace be with you!
The Spirit of Truth teaches—
Life overcomes death.
Hope resurrects anew—
Love flashing forth
Grounds us in the Great Mystery
Whence we came.
Contemplation and Pentecost
As I continue to work on peace and justice issues, I continue to learn and grow. Nonviolence is not a tactic or strategy which is to be used to get one’s own way. Nonviolence is a way of life. Gandhi teaches us that nonviolence demands a spiritual discipline and a life based on contemplation. Gandhi coined the term satyagraha—Truth Force—to describe nonviolence. Continue reading
Satyagraha and the Spirit of Truth
The readings for the Sixth Friday of Easter encourage those who seek justice and peace.
Paul has a vision and Jesus tells him: “Do not be afraid. Go on speaking, and do not be silent, for I am with you.†How often Jesus spoke these words to his followers. How often we forget and get discouraged. My wife reminds me often that people do not want to hear about truth and peace and justice. Yet, we must keep speaking. The nonviolent Jesus is speaking through us. Silence is not an option. Continue reading
Saul, Saul
“I am Jesus and you are persecuting me.†(Acts 10:5) Saul, a fervent Jew, had been persecuting Christians. He had witnessed the stoning of Stephen. In his mind, Saul was a religious Jew and he was doing what he had convinced himself was right.
The drama continues today in the Holy Land and in various locations around the world. Zealous people who think they are right feel that they can and must oppress others to achieve their goals.
Continue reading
Stephen–Justice and prophecy
Things have not changed much from the days of the Prophets, Jesus, and now Stephen, the first martyr. The people have “covered up their hearts and ears.†They do not want to hear the voice of the prophet proclaiming the “truth which shall rise up from the earth while justice looks down from heaven†(Psalm 85). Continue reading
Abraham, Martin, John and…Bobby
Abraham, Martin, John….and Bobby.
Where have they all gone?
Today, we commemorate the death of Martin Luther King. Forty years have passed since this assassination. Within in span of five years we lost John Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Bobby
Kennedy. America was in turmoil. Our leaders and our hopes and dreams had been snuffed out. We doubted that the promise of Camelot would ever reappear. Continue reading
Die and Rise
Pierced and crucified
Because you cried,
“Repent and believe the Good News.â€
Pierced and crucified
Because you cried,
“Peter, put up your sword.†Continue reading
Easter Joy and Peace
Sea of Galilee
Synagogue in Capernaum
Christ is Risen! He is Risen indeed!
Al Masih Qam! He Haqan Qam! (Arabic)
The Easter message is loud and clear. In the reading for Monday, the women are hurrying away from the tomb. Matthew says that they went away with awe and great joy. Awe—a sense of wonder—enables us to grasp the inner meaning of events. Joy the quintessential Christian virtue. In fact, Bernard Häring, the late great moral theologian, says that joy is the cornerstone of Christian witness. They were filled with awe and joy (not violent shock and awe!) because their nonviolent teacher had conquered sin and death. Continue reading