Enemies of the Cross

For many live as enemies of the cross of Christ; I have often told you of them, and now I tell you even with tears. Their end is destruction; their god is the belly; and their glory is in their shame; their minds are set on earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven, and it is from there that we are expecting a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. He will transform the body of our humiliation that it may be conformed to the body of his glory, by the power that also enables him to make all things subject to himself. (Phil. 3:18-21)
But fornication and impurity of any kind, or greed, must not even be mentioned among you, as is proper among saints. (Eph. 5: 3)

These selections from Paul contain powerful messages for peacemakers. I am beginning to get worried because Paul is starting to make sense to me. When I read the scriptures in terms of the “socio-political” message that has been hidden for so long, the words take on new meaning.
It started a few months ago when I was reading Ephesians. I noticed that Paul ranked greed right up there with immorality (porneia) and impurity. Greed is so much at the heart of what is taking our world in the wrong direction. Unfortunately, greed drives all of us. Somehow we are all complicit in the greed system of consumerism. We are afflicted with what Daniel Maguire calls “The Imperial Comfort Syndrome.” Continue reading

Anniversary of Hiroshima 2

What happened in 1945 is history; however, it does provide instruction for us today. In 2002, the United States opted out of the Antiballistic Missile Treaty. The United States is still a signatory to the Nuclear Anti-Proliferation treaty. Under that treaty, the United States may continue to maintain and upgrade its nuclear weapons. The 2007 budget requested $2.4 billion for nuclear weapons. These funds will upgrade our nuclear capabilities. There is also a push for a new core pit facility which would make the triggers for the bombs. Why do we have to spend $2.4 billion to upgrade our nuclear arsenal when already have enough fire power to destroy the world many times over? Continue reading

Anniversary of Hiroshima

[What follows is the first of two bulletin inserts our Pax Christi group prepared for our church bulletins this past weekend and next weekend. Today, let us pray that such a savage use of WMDs will never again occur.]

August 6, 2007 marks the 62nd anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. August 9 marks the same anniversary of the dropping of the plutonium bomb on the Catholic city of Nagasaki. The purpose of this newsletter is to help the parishioners of St. William and Immaculate Heart of Mary better understand the teachings of Jesus and the Church related to war and the use of weapons of mass destruction. Theses anniversaries mark the first use of weapons of mass destruction on civilian populations. Continue reading

Eucharist for All the People of God

On Sunday, I was deprived of the spiritual goods of the Church. It was no fault of our pastor who was on vacation and had arranged for a substitute priest. It was no fault of the substitute priest who became ill. It was no fault of the deacon who did the best he could under these circumstances.
I went to church expecting a Mass and instead got a Eucharistic service. Continue reading

Holy War

We are wont to readily condemn Muslims for waging holy war and rightly so. The very word “jihad” strikes terror in our fearful hearts; however, we often overlook the fact that Christians too have engaged in holy wars for centuries. It is ironic that the church that was founded by the nonviolent Jesus of Nazareth came to sanction, condone and even bless holy war. Calling these wars crusades does not make them any less warlike. Continue reading

The Nonviolence of Jesus and the Church

Preparing for the Day of Reflection last Saturday gave me some information I want to share with you. We are well aware that the early church embraced the nonviolence of Jesus until 313 when Constantine and the empire recognized the church. In 313, you could not be a soldier if you were a Christian. One hundred years later, you could not be a soldier unless you were a Christian. The cross morphed into the sword. Continue reading

Sample Psalm from CD

This is today’s responsorial Psalm. See order form if interested in reading all 150 Psalms.
Psalm 146
Praise God, my soul.
I will praise God with all my life.
I will sing praise to God as long as I live.
I put no trust in presidents and prime ministers
In mere mortals who offer no true security.
When they draw their last breath, they return to dust.
That day all their greed will have come to nothing.
Happy are those whose help is in God.
Whose hope is in God alone.
God made the heavens and the seas
And all that is in them.
God is faithful forever.
God secures justice for the oppressed.
God feeds the hungry
And gives them drink.
God sets prisoners free.
God gives sight to the blind
And hearing to the deaf.
God raises up those who are bowed down.
God loves the righteous.
God walks beside the stranger
And sustains the widow and the orphan.
God thwarts the ways of the Evil Ones
Who oppress the strangers, the widows, the orphans.
God rules forever. God rules through all generations.